Learn about how Oliver Ryder and his team at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance made the incredible discovery of condor parthenogenesis. Research article in the December 2021 issue of Journal of Heredity.
More...Check out our free reviews and perspectives!
More...And read the freely available article in the latest issue of Journal of Heredity.
More...For the first time, The Australian white whale Migaloo has been seen in NZ waters. Migaloo has a tyrosinase gene mutation, as described in Journal of Heredity here: http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/content/103/1/130.short This article is freely available to read and download.
More...Read the Special Issue now! Freely available at http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/content/106/S1.toc
More...OPEN ACCESS Perspective article on black-footed ferret cloning by our AE and AGA Council member Oliver Ryder and others.
More...Read the JHered article by Gaubert et al. for free: https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esx097
More...Read the JHered article for free at https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esy019 photo by Dave Jenike, Cincinnati Zoo
More...Boldly visualized by Brian Bowen with an Orlog metaphor, wherein the actions of the past and present influence future outcomes. FREE online
More...A new JHered study has found European colonisation in New Zealand is to blame for a decline in kākāpō numbers. FREE ONLINE ACCESS! photo credit Andrew Digby, NZ Dept of Conservation
More...Bill Murphy, our EIC, is one of the authors of this fascinating article in Science Advances. Also an author on the snow leopard article that features on our most recent cover. Interested in wildlife hybridization studies? JHered has heaps! https://academic.oup.com/jhered/search-results
More...Call for Papers for Journal of Heredity! 1. Next Generation Phylogeography & Phylogenomics 2. Genome Mapping and Genome Evolution in Non-Model Organism 3. Bioinformatics
More...This special issue incorporates genomic data to update our knowledge of the cactophilic Drosophila model system, and contains papers from an international meeting held in Alamos, Sonora, Mexico, February 2018. Therese Ann Markow, Guest Editor.
More...Learn about the fascinating world of cactus-loving Drosophila species, which was the topic of Journal of Heredity's special issue in January!
More...AGA EECG award and Stephen J. O'Brien Award winner Dr. Will Gammerdinger explains the dichotomy in the diversity of vertebrate sex chromosome systems.
More...University of Alabama at Birmingham's Elise Keister explains Dr. Jared Homola et al.
More...Dr. Caitlin Curry explains Zhang et al.'s recent JHered Editor's Choice article on the AGA blog
More...Read the JHered article for free at https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esz058
More...For manuscripts that describe genome assembly resources of practical value to the broader scientific community
More...Read the open access article by Carroll et al. at JHered https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esaa010
More...FREE from Journal of Heredity: DiBattista et al. 2016 found discordance between genetic divergence and color-based taxonomy in the pygmy angelfish Centropyge flavissima complex. In a Letter in the current JHered issue, Delrieu-Trottin et al. offer another take on the number of distinct species in this complex. In response, DiBattista et al. argue their position on the 'devilish taxonomy' of these angels.
More...Read the JHered article by Krysko et al. FOR FREE https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esw086
More...Read the JHered article by Wilcox, Motomura, Matsunuma, and Bowen here: https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esx056
More...On this sesquicentennial anniversary of the publication of Mendel's seminal work, our Council member (and pea geneticist) Norm Weeden examines the veracity of his data in this Perspective. FREE ONLINE ACCESS
More...Online news outlet Phys.org highlights our Invited Review by Cammen et al. Read it for free: https://academic.oup.com/jhered/article/107/6/481/2622897/Genomic-Methods-Take-the-Plunge-Recent-Advances-in
More...Listen to our latest blog post, an audio story about Dr. Piotr Lukasik et al.
More...Further debate from experts on wolves in Southeastern Alaska and Mexico. TODAY in Journal of Heredity
More...Why are previously isolated little blue penguin colonies now mixing it up?
More...Read the article by Esdaile et al., just out in JHered https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esab070
More...Read our final Editor's Choice article of the year by Neal et al.
More...The newly published article by international authors including our Review Editor, Steve O'Brien, is freely available to read and download from Journal of Heredity.
More...In this issue: Problems and Cautions With Sequence Mismatch Analysis and Bayesian Skyline Plots to Infer Historical Demography. Invited Review from Stewart Grant. Coupling population history with climate change is essential for constructing evolutionary and biogeographic scenarios that illuminate the mechanisms shaping species’ diversity. But molecular clocks calibrated with phylogenetic divergences can overestimate the timings of population-level events. Overestimates disconnect historical population reconstructions from climatic history and confound our understanding of the factors influencing genetic variability.
More...Hot off the press! And all three articles by these authors in JHered 109-6 are freely available for the next 3 weeks!
More...Journal of Heredity issue 111-4 includes articles on their EECG-funded research by Daniel Portik (2015), Nicholas Kooyers (2017), and Rebekah Oomen (2019).
More... More...
Apply now for an AGA
This course will host 25-30 students, especially welcoming to participants from African countries, and 15-20 faculty from around the world. The course will feature the latest methods, interpretations, and applications of genetic/genomic analyses for the conservation of endangered species, and the faculty will share their expertise in technologies, research strategies, and translation featuring population-based studies.
This two-day workshop will be part of the 25th Biennial Marine Mammal Conference in Perth this year, accommodating up to 150 experts and novices. It will focus on advancements in marine mammal genomics, highlighting novel methods and applications in evolution, conservation, and emerging diseases, and integrating genomics with traditional knowledge.
Do you want to create interdisciplinary teaching resources for inclusive undergraduate evolution education? The Resources for Inclusive Evolution Education (#RIE2) working group is looking for participants to do just that! Apply now by filling out this google form! Deadline is 5 p.m. PT on May 28, 2024 #ScienceEducation #EvolutionEducation #TeachingEvolution
Please contact inclusive.evoedu@gmail.com
Any questions? Contact the Managing Editor at theaga@theaga.org.