President's Symposium Speakers


Speaker Abstracts           Poster Abstracts

AGA Distinguished Lecturer: Scott V Edwards

Pangenomes and conservation genomics: structural variation across a of gradient of effective population sizes in
North American Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma)


Invited Speakers:

Elinor Karlsson - Director, Vertebrate Genomics Project, Broad Institute
Exploring the evolution of exceptional traits through comparative genomics in hundreds of mammals

Joanna Kelley - Associate Professor, Dept of EEB, Univ of California, Santa Cruz
Population genomics enables conservation

Caren Helbing - Professor, Dept of Biochem & Microbiol, Univ of Victoria, CANADA
Revolutionizing conservation efforts by seeing the unseen with environmental DNA

Rachel Meyer - Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept of EEB, Univ of California, Santa Cruz
What does eDNA tell us about how the wildfire shapes the environment?

Andrew Pask - Professor, School of Biosciences, Univ of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Bringing Back the Past to Protect the Future: De-extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger

Bridgett vonHoldt - Professor, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
Ghost wolves: resurrecting an endangered canid species

Anna Keyte - Senior Scientist, Colossal Biosciences, Dallas
Barriers and potential for gene editing in avian conservation

Hernán Morales - Associate Professor, Globe Inst, Univ of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Temporal genomics, extinction risk and recovery potential

Klaus-Peter Koepfli - Senior Research Scientist, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation, Front Royal
How multiomics is informing the conservation and management of the endangered black-footed ferret

John Carlos Garza - Program Lead, Molecular Ecology and Genetic Analysis, SWFSC, Santa Cruz
Novel approaches to anadromous fish conservation informed by genomic methods

Teal Brown Zimring - Executive Director, Lab to Land, Santa Cruz
Environmental biotechnology & scientific innovation at the intersection of critically threatened ecosystem services & biological sciences

Moi Exposito-Alonso - Assistant Professor, Dept of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Rapid evolution across climates in a globally synchronized experiment of an annual herb

Eli Ilano - Tahoe National Forest Supervisor, Nevada City
Forests & wildfires: Pressures on the Tahoe National Forest ecosystem and the impacts of wildfire on this landscape

Allison Miller - Postdoc, Anatomy Dept, Univ of Otago, NEW ZEALAND
Population genomics of New Zealand pouched lamprey (kanakana; piharau; Geotria australis)


Abstract-Selected Speakers:

D Nevé Baker - NSF Postdoc, Dept of GES, Univ of Minnesota
Ancient sedimentary DNA shows 5000 years of continuous beaver occupancy in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Stephen J Gaughran - Postdoc, Dept of EEB, Princeton Univ
Temporal genomics of an extreme bottleneck in the northern elephant seal

Faye G. Romero - PhD student, Dept of Biology, Univ of Rochester
The genetics of inbreeding depression in a pedigreed wild population of Florida Scrub-Jays

Ana M. Velasquez-Escobar - PhD student, Interdisciplinary Grad Prog in Genetics and Genomics, TAMU
Preservation of Biodiversity through Species-Specific Genetic Biocontrol: Using gene drives to combat invasive mice

Aryn P. Wilder - Researcher, Conservation Science Wildlife Health, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Fitness benefits of genetic rescue despite chromosomal differences in an endangered pocket mouse