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First, read About the Blog ; next, read below & complete your post; finally, upload to Blog Checklist & Upload


Please read and follow the instructions below before submitting your post – this helps reduce post-submission editing and makes the Social Media Editor much happier!

●  Prepare text as a Word or PDF document.

●  Use color highlighting to note citations, social media handles, hyperlinks, and the matching article references and links at the end.

●  Prepare photos and figures as separate JPEGs, each with captions and copyright information. Each file must be less than 10MB.

●  Label each file clearly, such as ‘Lastname_Firstname_text; ‘Lastname_Firstname_Fig1; Lastname_Firstname_myphoto; etc.

●  Notify Miranda at once you have uploaded your files at the Blog post checklist 

●  If you receive track changes from Miranda – accept any and all before returning your final post.

Formatting: Items in bold should be used as subheadings in your post

Blog Post Title

If your post is in a particular category, include it (e.g., “Behind the Science: Rest of My Title”).

About the Blog Author

Write a brief caption about yourself, including your current role (e.g., PhD student), your research interests, and if available, your website and social media handle(s). Include a photo of you.

EXAMPLE: Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield is an evolutionary ecologist and assistant professor of biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She works on life cycle and reproductive system evolution in algae and invertebrates. Follow Stacy on Twitter @quooddy or via her lab’s website.

Blog text

Insert text here for your blog post – do not add figures to word document – upload them separately

EXAMPLE: Most eukaryotes are not limited to sex. Instead, they often alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction (= clonality). Partial clonality has profound

Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield

University of Alabama at Birmingham

impacts on species’ ecological success and their ability to evolve in response to environmental change (Orive et al. 2017).



Add references here that you cite in your text. Add their web addresses with all other links, below. Refs should be in alphabetical order in this format:

Orive ME, Barfield M, Fernandez C, Hold RD (2017) Effects of clonal reproduction on evolutionary rescue. The American Naturalist. 190. 469-490.

Figure legends

Provide figure captions here and name your figures (Lastname_Firstname_Fig1, Lastname_Firstname_Fig2a, etc.)

Add all hyperlinks as shown in the examples below, including links for referenced


Stacy Krueger-Hadfield lab website:
UAB link:

@quooddy link:

Orive et al. 2017:

Use whole links for references, not just the digital object identifier (DOI). This is not a link: 10.1093/jhered/esab019. This is a link:


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About the Journal

Journal of Heredity cover

View Current Issue

Issue 115-6 now online!

Natural selection is largely a numbers game, and diverse genetic elements have evolved to gain greater-than-random transmission via mechanisms other than (and potentially detrimental to) individual fitness. Selfish genetic elements, and the selection they exert through individual costs and compensatory/suppressor evolution, contribute to population fitness and phenotypic variation, promote species barriers and diversification, and shape the deep evolution of genome architecture and cellular processes. Logo from AGA President Lila Fishman’s symposium Selfish Evolution: Mechanisms & Consequences of Genomic Conflict


Workshops & Meetings


Have a meeting in need of funding support? 

Apply now for an AGA

Special Event Award!

News from Current

SEA Awardees

Recent Advances in Conservation Genetics (ConGen Global-2025)


This course will host 25-30 students, especially welcoming to participants from African countries, and 15-20 faculty from around the world.  The course will feature the latest methods, interpretations, and applications of genetic/genomic analyses for the conservation of endangered species, and the faculty will share their expertise in technologies, research strategies, and translation featuring population-based studies. 


Genomics of Marine Mammals IV (G4) Workshop

This two-day workshop will be part of the 25th Biennial Marine Mammal Conference in Perth this year, accommodating up to 150 experts and novices. It will focus on advancements in marine mammal genomics, highlighting novel methods and applications in evolution, conservation, and emerging diseases, and integrating genomics with traditional knowledge.


Resources for Inclusive Evolution Education (RIE2)

Do you want to create interdisciplinary teaching resources for inclusive undergraduate evolution education? The Resources for Inclusive Evolution Education (#RIE2) working group is looking for participants to do just that! Apply now by filling out this google form! Deadline is 5 p.m. PT on May 28, 2024 #ScienceEducation #EvolutionEducation #TeachingEvolution

Please contact with any questions, suggestions, or if you'd like to contribute further to this effort.




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  • Eligibility for awards
  • Discounted symposium registration and access to presentation videos
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  • Supporting a society that supports your community


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Read the AGA Council's statements on diversity - see About the AGA.